Monday, June 18, 2012

El Fin

Ay fambly!
Cuanto les quiero! I'm so excited to see you and hug the stuffin outta yous. I can't wait to wake up to Elijahisms and baby love. I got Chelsea's email about Audrey...I had no idea that was going on, but it sounds like they've been taking the right steps to learn more and to help their beautiful baby. I'm looking forward to being home. I'm not a huge fan of this intermediate state where I'm gone but not, incredibly happy but sad to leave...ya know?
Big changes are coming to our district... 5 people are leaving but only 3 are coming, so our ward will be back down to 6 missionaries. I think that will be better for our ward, though. Strange as it may sound, we attend to their needs better when there are fewer of us...largely I think because when there are less of us, they are more likely to actually eat WITH us rather than give us dinner and fun away. Also, Hermana Prince is going to train!!! I'm going to be a grandma!! I'm so excited for her. She's going to be absolutely incredible! Hna Quick is receiving Hermana Prince's current companion. That's a huge relief for her because they already know and love each other....and Hna Clayton will only have to move from one room in the apartment to another.
We had some beautiful milagros this week. We had another couple of appointments with Sandy, a young mom who is VERY wise and receptive to the spirit. We have had a hard time connecting with her recently, but this week we taught her about the Restoration and we watched the Restoration movie with her. At the end, we asked her if she thought this story could be true. At first she just said "well, I don't know, I didn't see it happen. Maybe it did...who am I to judge?" but then she began to analyze the ramifications of what it would mean if it were true and referred back to a lesson we had taught her about asking the Lord to know what is Truth. We Invited her to pray about it and we invited her to be baptized. She said YES!!!!! We told her that the gospel is made for families and so we want to be able to teach her husband and children so that they can progress spiritually together. That's fairly risky, since wives rarely progress beyond where their husbands will go, but we felt  that that family goal woul be incredibly important to communicate to her right off the bat. She said, "yes of course....but you know? Maybe even if they're not very interested right away, they'll see my example and follow" Oh my gosh, she's so great! I loved Sorella Smith's phrase, so i think  I'll steal it for Sandy....she's so elect! God has prepared her in such special ways.
Another milagro: our elders met a Pentecostal preacher while we were on a blitz in our area and we've been able to teach him a little about the Book of Mormon. He wanted to know primarily about our religion so that he can teach his congregation what we believe.....We taught him about the Restoration as well and invited him to be baptized. He said no right away, saying "I'm sorry, but I think you're wasting your time with me. I already know about God. I'm on the path. Nothing could take me away from my church." We talked to him a little bit more about knowing FROM GOD, the all-powerful, all loving, omniscient creator of the universe what He wants us to do. We asked "If you KNEW from God that this is His only true church, would you be baptized?" He said "Yes of course." "Then are you willing to ask Him?" "Yes." After explaining a little about having real intent to receive an answer, we promised him that if he was sincere in what he said about following the will of God, he would get an answer.
The hermanas are going back tomorrow to visit and see how his prayer went. The spirit was SO strong in that room. I know that our words were being guiding by the Lord. I'm praying that he will be sensitive enought to the Spirit to be ablet o recognize an answer....and that he has enough real intent to GET that answer.
Church yesterday was really cool, too. Jose Reyes(my first convert) came to church. He was helping our recent convert, Jeovany look up scriptures, understand different points of doctrine, and even directed a small part of the lesson in sunday school. He's almost done with his temple prep classes and he's super excited to go in a month or so. It's such an incredible blessing to see how much his life has changed. I am so grateful that I have been a part of that.
I reread the account of Ammon talking to his brothers in Alma 26. I am so happy that I have been a part of this work and I feel strongly that I can echo his words.
2 And now, I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye tell?
3 Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how amany of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God! And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made binstruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work.
I have learned so much during this time. It's one of those life changing, character molding, life intensified experiences that lays the foundation for the rest of my life. I love the people here. I have learned so much about God's love for each of us. I can't believe everything that has happened in the last year and a half. There is no way I would have even lasted a day had it not bee for the Savior's grace. I love him more than I ever have. I feel that I have a better understanding of the role He has and needs to have in my life. I know that living the gospel is what brings us joy. It helps us avoid unnecessary hurt and pain and help stretch us into who we need to be. There is a song that I have fallen in love with and it reminds me of that part in Alma 5 where he talks about feeling to sing the song of redeeming love...
Savior, Redeemer of my soul,
Whose mighty hand hath made me whole,
Whose wondrous pow’r hath raised me up
And filled with sweet my bitter cup!
What tongue my gratitude can tell,
O gracious God of Israel.

Never can I repay thee, Lord,
But I can love thee. Thy pure word,
Hath it not been my one delight,
My joy by day, my dream by night?
Then let my lips proclaim it still,
And all my life reflect thy will.

O’errule mine acts to serve thine ends.
Change frowning foes to smiling friends.
Chasten my soul till I shall be
In perfect harmony with thee.
Make me more worthy of thy love,
And fit me for the life above.
I love God! He's just so wonderful.
Give yourselves a big hug from me and just wait a few more days for the real deal!
I love my mission, I love the gospel, and I love you more than despedidas!
Hermana Manzana

Monday, June 4, 2012

Finishing Up a Great Adventure

(Note from Mom:  Allison is returning to Colorado from her mission on Saturday, June 16th.  Her homecoming talk (sermon) will be at 12:30 pm on Sunday, June 17th at the Timberline Building in Lone Tree, Colorado - call 303-799-1913 for directions if you're interested in attending.  The service is 70 minutes long, and her talk will be about 15 minutes.)
Ay, so much thinking to do! :)
Thanks for the info. I'll take a look at Elder Hales' Conference address and and get to work on my homecoming talk. There's a lot of little loose ends to take care of before I go home, but it'll work out just fine. I've felt your prayers bearing me up again this week....thank you! We had a really good week teaching-wise...we found a bunch of new investigators and we're excited to help them receive the gospel. As for the referral, we had set an appointment with her, but alas, she wasn't home. We have dinner with her friend who gave us her number tonight so we're hopeful to be able to contact her again.
We went knocking yesterday with one of the young women in our ward and had quite a bit of success in finding people with her. We knocked one door at the very end of the day, but right as we knocked, a HUGE German shepherd came around the corner. We kind of freaked out and then ANOTHER ONE came around the corner to stare us down. We were begging and praying that the woman would open the door so that we could escape inside, but when she did, the dogs became very relaxed and even playful. She wasn't interested, but I guess my intro wasn't all that powerful. It's a little difficult when you think a monster dog is going to maul you to bits. Ay.
Side note....I have "Big Rock Candy Mountain" stuck in my head. I miss you Papa.
Thank you for arranging things for me. I appreciate it so so much. I'm excited to go to the dentist! I like the idea of being able to let my body recuperate and actually take care of it. :)
mmmmm que mas? We had a departing missionary training by President Martin in the which he told us his 10 commandments for business success, we talked about life purpose statements, marriage (of course), and how to finish our missions well. I'm excited to teach a ton this last week and really take advantage of the opportunity I have to be in the same calling as people like Alma, Amulek, and Ammon. I have fallen in love with the scriptures and the gospel and I"m so grateful for them in my life. 
Please pray for us to have the Spirit with us so that we can help people come unto Christ! President Martin said something that I really loved: "the Atonement and a repentant heart meet in the baptismal font and that is nothing short of a miracle"
I love my mission president with all my little heart and I pray that they will also be able to have success and joy in these last few weeks of their mission.
I love you more than all the earthquakes Sorella Smith is feeling!
:) (Allison's birthday twin and good friend Hannah Smith is serving in Northern Italy, and has been near the epicenter of many of the earthquakes they have experienced over the last three weeks.  We thought Allison would be the one to experience earthquakes!)
Hermana Manzana