Monday, March 21, 2011

Mar 21, 2011 "It Rained and Our Testimonies Grew"

Awesome week! I'm afraid I don't have a ton to talk about this week, but we were super duper busy and happy and having a blast. So good. Also, I'm finally getting some bike muscles so I'm not dragging my raggedy ol' butt all over our area. I love being on bike! It's also wonderful right at about sunset when it's that perfect lighting and the air is nice and warm and all of the flowers are so fragrant...I think every apartment building and house in NoHo has at least 3 rose bushes, some lilies, a mountain of what smells something like honeysuckle, a billion and three birds of paradise, and so many others that I can't even identify. Oh my goodness it's gorgeous.

     It rained buckets all day yesterday and a little bit again this morning. thankfully we got a ride to and from church and dinner yesterday so we didn't have to ride in it, but this morning wasn't all that bad. I think if we had tried to ride our bikes to church yesterday we would have gotten washed away. We had at least 4 of the members and our investigators start asking us about the end of the world and such because of all of the craziness going on all over the world. Oy vey!

Our district of missionaries is way fun and we're continuing to have weekly soccer games early in the morning and we've added in volleyball..hopefully I won't stink so bad at both by the end of my mission. I love seeing the dynamics between all of the missionaries and realizing how inspired those companionships are. For example, Elder Zundel and his companion Elder Banuelos are just about the most opposite individuals you could ever find, but because they have the same goal of sharing Heavenly Father's love with others, they make an amazing teaching team. Banuelos is super funny...he learned English from popular music, so pretty much anything we say he turns into a song that he has heard and accompanies it with some hilariously sarcastic remark while he dances to the music in his head. He's pretty short, particularly compared to Zundel, so the other day Hermana Waite commented, "ya know,'s like you've got your own personal dancing Santa that follows you around..."
    Sometimes Banuelos starts singing songs that aren't terribly appropriate, so we'll usually try to counter it with a hymn or a primary song. The other night at dinner, I interrupted his rendition of a Katy Perry song with "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam." Elder Castro misheard me and said " Jesus wants me for a zombie? Why are you talking about Jesus being a zombie? You are so blasphemy!" Best moment of my life! 

The other night we were running from one appointment to another and this lady  (who was a little tipsy) stopped us and asked if we were Mormons.. of course we responded in the affirmative so she said "I really like you guys. Can you come by sometime and teach me?" Pff awesome! Hello every missionary's dream! She followed it up with " But I drink a lot, is that okay?" ".......ummmm....well......we can sure help you stop!" " Oh yeah yeah, I want to stop drinking.  O,k so tomorrow then?" We called her yesterday for our appointment but she was a little too under the weather to meet with us. Hopefully soon :)
   In other, more spiritual news.... We have 3 investigators who have baptismal dates!! Jose is getting baptized this Sunday (I'm so freaking excited!...we had a really excellent Law of Chastity lesson with him...I hadn't ever taught it before, but I think it may be one of my favorites, strange as that may sound...), another woman named Emilia is getting baptized the 3rd, and Carlos (a really sweet, wonderful guy from Ecuador who rents a room from Milagro) is getting baptized the 10th (well...if he can come to church 3 times....he works as a physical therapist and has a patient right at 11 every if you could pray for him so that he can get a better schedule or even a better job, that would be marvelous) !! I am just so excited to see all of these amazing people open the door to greater blessings for their lives! Carlos just seems to have such a sound understanding of what the gospel is and why we need it in our lives. He remembers everything we teach him and just....gets it. I told him I like his brain and he really appreciated that. He kept bringing it up throughout the rest of our lesson and even in others.
I think that may be all for now....just remember always how great you are and how much Heavenly Father loves you and how great I think you are!
Love you more than all the blessings that come from living the Word of Wisdom AND the Law of Chastity,
Hermana B

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